Help! The File is Not Downloading

When it comes to downloading pdfs and zip files from online, there are various reasons that can cause issues with the download. This post will cover various reasons and fixes, so that you can access your downloadable files. First off, sometimes glitches happen with the internet or the internet browser. Sometimes the fix is just […]

Access My Free Teacher Resource Library

Did you know I have a free resource library that is full of engaging activities? It’s my way of saying thank you to my customers and loyal followers. My resources save teachers time and energy, and I want to share them with you too! Sign up for my newsletter and get instant access. You’ll find […]

Improve Students’ Writing with These Grammar Ideas for Primary

Pin for Improving Students' Writing with These Grammar Ideas

Grammar teaches us to look closer at the construction of a sentence. By understanding the frame of a sentence, we become more enabled to construct better sentences. It is like building a house. If someone handed you a hammer, some nails, and wood, you probably could build something, even if you were never taught how. […]

Nine Games to Use with Grammar Task Cards

game ideas to use with task cards

I’m excited to show you nine different games (including a freebie) that you can use to make your grammar task card activities more hands-on. Let’s face it. It can be a challenge to constantly teach rich content that is also engaging and fun for students. Task card games tap into children’s love and need for […]

Ideas for Teaching with Phonics Posters

Ideas for teaching with phonics posters

Today I’m going to share with you nine teaching ideas to use with your phonics posters. As you all know, an alphabet, displayed horizontally across a wall, is a standard feature in most elementary school classrooms. But have you ever asked yourself what purpose is it serving? How are my students (and I) using it, […]

End of the Year Writing Prompts

End of the year writing prompts

Every teacher needs engaging activities to do with his or her students at the end of the year. If we don’t give them things to keep them busy, the little darlings might drive us crazy because they are so excited for the summer! However, we don’t just want to give them busy work. We want […]

Spring Activities that Integrate Science & Literacy

Spring has sprung! With warmer weather and brighter days, now is the perfect time to integrate science and literacy into your spring activities. However, with so many cute spring themes to choose from (just ask Pinterest), it can be tempting to let academic rigor fall by the wayside in favor of adorable spring crafts and […]

Fun and Simple Activities for Bossy R & a Freebie

Fun & Simple Activities with Bossy R

I have some fun and simple activities I want to share to help you teach Bossy R. My ideas can be changed and used to teach other phonemes as well. With so many phonics concepts to teach, it’s hard to find time to create quality resources for all of them, so I like to use […]

Five Fun Compound Word Activities

Compound Word Activities and Ideas

Here are five fun compound word activities to liven up your lesson. These activities fit in nicely as a center activity. Activity #1 Logic Sentences Logic sentences are a fun way for students to form compound words and gain some depth in understanding the words. Examples of Logic Sentences: Shells in the sea are _______________. […]

How to Teach Guided Reading: Prereading to Word Work Extensions

How to Teach Guided Reading

Planning how to teach guided reading can be an intimidating task in the beginning. My first year of teaching, I was extremely nervous that I was going to fail. I had never taught a child how to read. Would I be able to do it? While I was far from perfect and had lots to […]