Adverbs Mini-Lesson & Activity Ideas

Adverbs Lesson & Activities

Adverbs are tricky for students to learn and understand. I can remember my mom getting my cousin, an English teacher, to tutor me when I was young because they were just super confusing. Thankfully, the tutoring helped! Today, I would like to share how to teach an adverbs mini-lesson. I will also include some ideas […]

Five Ways to Teach Multiple Meaning Words

Teaching Multiple Meaning Words or Homophones

Today, I want to share five ways to teach multiple meaning words. Multiple meaning words are words that sound alike but mean different things. These can include homonyms, but it also can include words that have a noun and verb meaning too. Students will need to depend on the context to understand the intended meaning of […]

Activities for Teaching Context Clues in the Primary Grades

activities for teaching context clues

Let’s dive into activities for teaching context clues in the primary grades. I also have a post that breaks down how to teach vocabulary strategies that you can find here. Activity #1 Picture Journal for Vocabulary Many young learners are very concrete and visual. You can let students keep a picture journal to illustrate unknown […]

Use Tech Creatively in K-2: A Simple 3-Step System

Using technology in the primary classroom to reach more students a free course

A free tech course to get it all up and running smoothly in your primary classroom without losing a bunch of class time. Does most of the professional development for using tech in the primary classroom seem not relatable to you when it comes to using some of these suggestions in your primary classroom? Are […]

Activities for Teaching Long Vowel Teams in the Primary Classroom

activities for teaching long vowel teams

When it comes to teaching long vowel teams in the primary classroom, incorporating many different engaging activities is a must! If you are looking for some ideas and teaching strategies for teaching long vowel pairs, you have come to the right place! First, let’s talk about introducing the vowel teams to students. First, it is […]

Ideas for Teaching Prefixes in 2nd Grade to Strengthen Vocabulary Skills

Ideas for Teaching Prefixes in the Primary Grades

Students need opportunity to work with words and manipulate the parts of them. In primary grades like 2nd grade, students can start to dive into prefixes to strengthen their vocabulary skills. There are many ways for students to work with prefixes, and you will find a few ideas for teaching prefixes below. Idea #1 Sorting […]

How to Customize Your Interactive Notebooks…A Video Tutorial

Get free interactive notebook templates

Hi everyone! I recently created this video tutorial that teaches you how to customize your interactive notebooks. In this tutorial, I teach how to create an acronym book that can be used for back to school or as part of an all about me unit, but you can use these techniques to create whatever your […]

Strategy Share: Teaching Story Elements

Teaching Strategies

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to share some teaching strategies for teaching story elements. These ideas are meant to pair with fiction read alouds. Although, I will offer some ideas for guided reading too. I also will include a freebie to help implement these ideas. First, let’s go over the basic story elements that you […]

How to Use Google Classroom on an iPad or Tablet in K-2

Image of girl using an iPad to illustrate using Google Classroom on it

Hi everyone! I wanted to share how to use Google Classroom on an iPad or tablet in K-2. First off, it can seem a bit overwhelming at first to consider even how to set this up on an iPad. At least, it did for me. My mind was boggled. I admit it. I was confused. I […]