Hi everyone! Today, I want to share some video tutorials for using digital resources in Google Classroom in three easy steps.
This past week, I know many of you have been thrown into uncharted waters. I get that it is very overwhelming. After spending all my spare time last week trying to answer questions, I have decided maybe videos might help more. If you have purchased one of my digital resources for Google Classroom use, then those also come with step-by-step instructions in the main pdf that you download with your purchase. If you prefer to read directions over watching a video, I recommend referring to those instead.
#1: Make Your Own Copy of the File
The first video goes over making a copy of my resource, so you have your own copy to assign to your students. One thing, I want to emphasize here is make sure to be logged out of all your Google accounts including any Gmail in your default internet browser before making a copy. Then log into your Google for Education or Google Classroom account, so it is ready to have the files added to its drive.
#2 Assign a Copy of Your File in Google Classroom
This second video covers how to give the assignment in Google Classroom. For primary students, I recommend assigning from your Drive instead of sharing a link of your copy. Please do not assign my link to your students. That will not work properly.
#3 Use it Interactively in Edit Mode
In order for the features to be interactive and for your students’ work to be saved, they will use the files in edit mode. This is when they are exited out of presentation mode.
1. It’s not dragging and dropping.
Make sure to not enter presentation mode. It is meant to be used in edit mode. Also, if you are using a tablet or iPad, download the Google Slides app to use it instead of using it in an internet browser.
2. It says I don’t have access, so please give me access.
Please review over the video from step number one. You will need to first make a copy of your own file and assign your copy of the file to your students. The first two videos will walk you through that.
Would you like to try out a free sample? Check out my free digital guided reading resource here.
I hope that helps make things clear.
Thanks for visiting The Candy Class blog. Happy teaching!
Jolene Mathew
On a Mission to Improve Literacy