Teaching the Alphabet & a Freebie

Many kindergartners come to school each year eager and ready to learn. Many students may come already knowing their alphabet letters and sounds, but many students also start without knowing most letters and sounds. As a former kindergarten teacher, I completely get how it can be challenging to get these students to master their alphabet […]

Ideas for Teaching with Phonics Posters

Ideas for teaching with phonics posters

Today I’m going to share with you nine teaching ideas to use with your phonics posters. As you all know, an alphabet, displayed horizontally across a wall, is a standard feature in most elementary school classrooms. But have you ever asked yourself what purpose is it serving? How are my students (and I) using it, […]

Fun and Simple Activities for Bossy R & a Freebie

Fun & Simple Activities with Bossy R

I have some fun and simple activities I want to share to help you teach Bossy R. My ideas can be changed and used to teach other phonemes as well. With so many phonics concepts to teach, it’s hard to find time to create quality resources for all of them, so I like to use […]

Activities for Teaching Long Vowel Teams in the Primary Classroom

activities for teaching long vowel teams

When it comes to teaching long vowel teams in the primary classroom, incorporating many different engaging activities is a must! If you are looking for some ideas and teaching strategies for teaching long vowel pairs, you have come to the right place! First, let’s talk about introducing the vowel teams to students. First, it is […]

Oa, Oe, Ow, Oa, Oe The Vowel Teams

Let’s talk about vowel teams today, but before we do sing the title of this post to the tune of a famous boy band song from quite a few decades ago. I won’t say which one, but it you get if right, you got the right stuff, haha! You know how we all see these […]

Engaging Alphabet Activities, Ideas & a Free Alphabet Flip Book!

Alphabet Interactive Notebook Craft Book Freebie

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to share some engaging alphabet activities and ideas to help students learn those letters and beginning sounds.  Ideally, all first graders should come to class knowing these. Even in kindergarten, they really should know these. However, you know there is always at least one that is having a hard time […]