Fun Ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School

and Make It Memorable

+ A Free Scoop

You have been building anticipation all year by counting the days of school, and now is time is near to celebrate all the learning of the past 100 days. Of course, this day needs to be extra special. What activities can you do to make the day memorable? After all, it is days like this that will be remembered by many students for years to come, but learning, of course, is a must too. However, that is not too hard when it is a day centered on the number 100. 

The 100th Day Parade...with Style

The first time I attended a 100th Day of School celebration was when I was in college completing my kindergarten practicum class. The 100th day parade was definitely the center piece of the day. I later created these fun 100th day glasses and 100 day crown for students to wear during the parade. With these being print and craft, it is simple for students to sport these during a 100 day parade or 100 day red carpet event. 

Of course, some may have t-shirts made or host a dress up day. However, these can always still be worn too or used for students who did not dress up. No child is left out of the festivities when you have these print and go 100 day glasses and crowns. 

Building to 100

That container of math cubes or other blocks can easily be transformed for students to build something with a 100 items. This center activity encourages creative thinking and problem solving skills while reinforcing knowledge of how to count to a 100. It is a sure way to help students deepen their connections in their brain as they count to 100…in a creative way. Also, since it is such an engaging activity, it is easy for students to stay focused on the task.

Math Challenge...How Many Ways to a 100?

Have students count to 100 in various ways by skip counting. They can use a 100 chart or complete other skip counting activities to 100. It is also fun to chant in class too. 

Crafts & Writing Prompts

The 100th day of school would not be complete without a fun writing craft about envisioning their life over a 100 year period. This really is one of those writing prompts that really gets their wheels turning. I can recall pondering about reaching 100 years old in second grade actually. We did not celebrate the 100th day in those days, but it was just something that came up as discussion that stuck with me. That is why I do believe this is one of the more valuable writing prompts you could do the entire year, and it also duals as a great bulletin board display too. 

You could do these fully as no prep, but you could also add cotton balls for the hair to make them extra fun.

Work Out to 100

There is no way to be bored with counting to a 100 when it gets your students up and moving! Especially when it is things like flap like a butterfly or stomp like a dinosaur. My Digital 100th Day of School Resource has these in Google Slides and PowerPoint formats, so you can easily project them on the board. The digital option is offered separately from the printable option.  

100th Day of School Exercises

Rhyme to 100

Add a science of reading twist to the 100th day with a rhyme to 100 activity. While this can be a done fully as a phonological activity, having students help you write out the list on the board will steer students to make more connections in their brains. 

Scoop to 100 Math Group Project

100 day of school math fact group project craft

You can have your students work in groups or as a class to build a giant ice cream cone with math facts to 100 or optionally to 10 if your students are not ready for that yet. 

The math facts group project option is an additional activity can be found in my Math Bundle. Note: The math facts option is an additional resource found in my Math Bundle, but I also do offer an individual craft option below where students can add count to a 100 by adding sprinkles. 

100th Day of School Ice Cream Cone with Math Facts to 100
100 day cone with tens frame

Use a Tens Frame to Count to 100

Speaking of sprinkles. You can use the 100 Show tens frame mat in the Math Bundle for students to count out their 100 sprinkles. Here, I used cut up straws for the sprinkles because it was a cost effective way to provide 100 of something to each student and provided some fun colors too! Each student can cut five straws into twenty pieces each. 

Want to Print & Craft?

100th day of school ideas with crown, craft, glasses, 100 day chart, snack mat, STEM building to 100 idea

Find the 100 Day Printables in my Math Fun Bundle with other primary math resources including winter math centers, spring & summer math coloring pages, and even a math facts fluency program for addition and subtraction at an affordable cost! I am not even charging a bundle price on this. Get this bundle for the price of one resource!

A Break Down on What is Included in the Math Bundle at One Low Affordable Price (You May Even Catch it On Sale for $6 or Less.😲)

100th Day of School Fun Math Bundle
math bundle includes 100th day packet, winter math packet, 100th day group project, spring and summer math color by number, and math facts fluency program


🎉 100th Day No Prep Packet
🎉 100th Day Math Facts to 100 Group Project & Counting 10 a 100 Craft
🎉 Winter Math Centers
🎉 Math Facts Fluency Program
🎉 Spring Math No Prep Fun
🎉 Summer Math No Prep Fun
🎉 & More

This bundle is priced low like many of my other bundles to keep quality resources affordable for teachers. This resource is jam packed with over 1,00 pages, but you may even catch it on sale for $6 or less. 

Included in the 100th Day of School Free Printables:

🍦 Free Printable to Count to 100 Solo Ice Cream Cone Craft
🍦 Teacher Directions 

Once you sign-up for my free newsletter, that you can unsubscribe to at any time, you will be emailed your free 100th Day Math Craft in your email. Make sure to look for it. Click the link below or the picture above to sign up.

100th Day of School Digital Versin

Digital 100th Day of School Activities:

📱100th Day Digital Design or Selfie
📱 Digital Writing with Graphic Design
📱 Digital 100th Day Writing Prompt
📱 Hands-on Math Activities
📱 Digital 100th Day Book
📱Digital STEM Activity
📱Digital Rhyming Activity
📱 Workout to 100
📱& More

Note: The digital version of the 100th Day of School is a separate resource from the Math Bundle. Find it here.

Celebrate the 100th Day of School No Prep Bonus

Celebrate the 100th day of school in a memorable way and save time making it fun and educational with this No Prep 100th Day of School resource!

⭐ Glass Craftivity
⭐ Crown Craftivity
⭐ 9 Math Printables including 100s chart activities, skip counting, etc.
⭐ One Hundred Years Old Birthday Writing Craft
⭐ 2 Writing Prompts
⭐ 3 Leveled Mini-Readers
⭐ Draw or Show 100 Activity
⭐ Exercise to 100
⭐ 100 Day STEM or Alternative Square Drawing Activity
⭐ Photographed Directions for the Crafts
⭐ A Digital Version of Most Activities in Google Slides Format


Do You Like Surprises

I have some fun bonus surprises included too. It’s something that can be used in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classrooms.