Did you know I have a free resource library that is full of engaging activities? It’s my way of saying thank you to my customers and loyal followers. My resources save teachers time and energy, and I want to share them with you too! Sign up for my newsletter and get instant access. You’ll find resources in reading, writing, and math, and if you use Google classroom, there are some special digital resources for you as well. Join the fun here and keep reading to learn more about some of my freebies!

Here’s a Fun Way to Learn Multiplication

Can you SEE why students love this math game so much? It’s a great way for students to build conceptual understanding of multiplication by building arrays with googly eyes. Students record their answer as a repeated addition equation and as a multiplication equation.

The Fundamentals of Place Value

Keeping track of the days of school with a Place Value Pocket Chart is a simple, yet effective way to build students’ understanding of place value. Adding a straw for each day, bundling the tens, and then making a big bundle for the 100th day offers your students a concrete model of this essential math concept. And as a printable file, you can even send it home with students to they can create their own place value pocket charts at home.

To further develop place-value understanding, use place-value cards in your math centers. Students can use a variety of manipulatives to represent the number on each card. Check out my blog post here to see what I mean. I have a set of cards for numbers 10-100 and a set for 3- and 4-digit numbers.

Treat yourself to all four of these free math resources by signing up for my newsletter here.

Engage Your Guided Reading

Guided Reading Freebie

Every teacher knows how important guided reading is for improving students’ reading levels. And every teacher also knows how challenging it can be to create engaging guided reading lessons for each reading group every single day. Start your guided reading with a mini-lesson on a reading strategy, such as the Chunky Monkey Strategy, and have students practice it individually in their books. When you have to conduct one-on-one reading assessments, give the other students in your group grammar task card activities to work on (paper or digital) that reinforce Common Core standards. Guided reading is only successful if the rest of your class is actively engaged in literacy activities, allowing you to focus on your group without interruptions.

Reinforce Bossy R

Free Bossy R No Prep Printables

Create a literacy center that focuses on Bossy R to reinforce this tricky spelling pattern. To learn more about how I teach Bossy R, check out this post here.

Scoop Up Spelling Activities

Have students practice independent spelling activities with a customizable spelling list.

Get all of these guided reading activities and more when you sign up for my newsletter. Click here to join.

In addition to gaining access to my free resource library, you’ll also be the first to know about sales, teaching tips, courses, and other sweet deals I have in store for you. Sign up here for access to all these freebies and more.

Thanks for visiting The Candy Class blog. Happy teaching!

Jolene Mathew

On a Mission to Improve Literacy