Hi everyone! I have set-up this blogpost to be a source for those who want to use Google™apps within their walls, but don’t know where to look to get started.

Now I really recommend you get with your tech department to set it up, but I have provided some links to some helpful tutorials below that will help you with using the resource. Your school will need to sign-up for it for you to have access to Classroom by Google. It is free though! However, currently, only non-profit educational institutions can use it, and I recommend that you have that set-up ahead of time before purchasing one of my resources that are compatible with it.

Google has this Classroom 101 video that you should definitely check-out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K26iyyQMp_g

This post from History from the Middle includes some step-by-step pictures of setting up and giving students assignments in Google Classroom:

Here is another one about Classroom and setting it up from Adventures in ISTEM:

This post has a video that shows you how to give an assignment. It also shows you how to make a copy for a student. This is important because you definitely don’t want your student editing your original file. I highly recommend you check out this video from Tools for Teachers from Laurah J.

This post from Chalk & Apples has some helpful tips for using the Google Classroom resource in your class and includes some lessons they learned the hard way, so you don’t have to do that!

This post from What’s New with Leah includes some troubleshooting tips.

This post from Secondgradealicious had some tips on passwords with younger learners.

This post from The Darling English Teacher includes some good points of why you should go digital:

Still want some more reasons to go digital? Check out this blog post by What’s New with Leah:

I hope these posts I found for you help you out a bunch! This certainly is not the full list of tutorials out there, and if you have questions, I encourage you to google it because you will be able to find access to tutorials that have images posted to help guide you through it more easily.

Thanks for visiting The Candy Class blog. Happy teaching!

Jolene Mathew

On a Mission to Improve Literacy

PS. Note, I am not affiliated or associated with Google™ or any product from them. Nor do they endorse this post. This is simply an informational post with link resources to help you in your digital teaching journey.