Your FREE 100th Day of School Math Craft is on the way to your inbox. Sweet!
Scoop up my fun and engaging Math Bundle for the cost of one resource. You may even scoop it up for $6 or less! Find this in my store, The Candy Class, on TPT. The price is subject to change.
These activities may be print and go, but they are not shy of fun! Find many hands-on activities to make the day one to remember.
Up the fun in your classroom with this group project that is sure to be sweet! It all adds up to 100.
This bundle extends beyond the 100th day of school. It includes my tried and true math facts fluency program, winter math print and go centers, spring and summer no prep fun, and more! It’s not a growing bundle, but I just keep adding to it. Since this is on TPT, you get free updates on it when I do that too. No promises, but my actions speak I tend to do that.
🎉 100th Day No Prep Packet
🎉 100th Day Math Facts to 100 Group Project & Counting 10 a 100 Craft
🎉 Winter Math Centers
🎉 Math Facts Fluency Program
🎉 Spring Math No Prep Fun
🎉 Summer Math No Prep Fun
🎉 & More
This bundle is priced low like many of my other bundles to keep quality resources affordable for teachers. This resource is jam packed with over 1,00 pages, but you may even catch it on sale for $6 or less.
I have some fun bonus surprises included too. It’s something that can be used in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classrooms.
Literacy is my passion. I currently am focused on the science of reading with my creations. I have both a bachelor and master’s degree in elementary education with around 20 years experience in the educational field. I am grateful I get to wake up each day and create things that help children learn how to read. Make sure to sign-up for my newsletter to gain some of these creations.
-Jolene Mathew from The Candy Class
Copyright © 2013- Jolene Mathew from The Candy Class. All Rights Reserved.