Strategy Share: Teaching Strategies to use During Guided Reading & Freebies

Find some teaching strategies to use during guided reading in this strategy share post.

Hi everyone! What are some practical strategies you can use during guided reading to help streamline your lessons and keep students moving forward? Today, I want to share some practical teaching strategies with you that answer that question.  I also have included a few freebies, so you can apply these strategies right away. Strategy #1 […]

Fitting Science in Your Primary Class

Different Ways to Fit Science in the Primary Class

Hi everyone! How many of you have an hour each day to spend on science? What about a half hour? What about ten minutes? Ok, most of you are probably like, extra time. What is that? The struggle is for real. Yet, fitting science in your primary class is so very important. First off, it […]

Strategy Share: Fun Ways for Previewing Texts & a Freebie

Reading Strategies for Previewing Texts

Hi everyone! Welcome to Strategy Share! This is a series I just recently started that focuses on teaching strategies for reading and writing. You can learn more about strategies in general here. Today, I want to share some reading strategies for previewing texts. These strategies are geared for guided reading, but you could use it […]

Strategy Share: Using Strategies to Teach Reading and Writing

Using Strategies to Teach Reading & Writing

Hi everyone! I want to start a new series that shares various strategies you can use in your classroom. It is going to be posted sporadically. It is my goal to help build confidence when it comes to teaching reading and writing and to share ideas and inspiration in those areas. 🙂 I want these posts […]

Seven Tips for Teaching Guided Reading with Confidence

Image for tips for teaching guided reading

When I use to ask students about their favorite part of school, what do you think the overwhelming response was from them? Recess? Nope. Lunch. Guess again. Guided reading? YES!!!! Actually, they would not say guided reading. They would tell me things like spending time at the table with you reading. Gush! My heart would […]

How to Not Teach a Boring Compound Sentence Lesson

Ideas for Not Teaching a Boring Compound Sentence Lesson

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to share some ideas about teaching compound sentences in your primary classroom. Introduction of Fanboys First off, students need to know those fanboys before diving into the realm of compound sentences. A simple way to do this with a hands-on twist is to have them make some fans with those […]

Ideas for Not Teaching a Boring Contraction Lesson & a Freebie

Ideas for Teaching Contractions

Hi everyone! Today, I want to share some ideas for teaching contractions that will help you cover all the bases of various learning styles, and yes, you read the title correct. I also have an exclusive and unique freebie in this post! 1. Start with a formal classroom introduction when teaching contractions. This can include […]

Assessing Students’ Technology Work

Assessing Students' Technology Work

Hi everyone! Today, I want to talk tech. Specifically, I want to talk about assessing students’ technology work. I know many years ago when the technology was not as advanced as it was today, I was told by administration that I needed to incorporate more technology use in the classroom. How many of you have […]

Teacher Hacks & Organization Inspiration

Teacher Hacks and Classroom Organization Inspiration

Hi everyone! I wanted to share some organizing inspiration and teacher hacks! Teacher Hack and Idea #1 Contrary to what the clear tape people told you, student name plates do not need to be a permanent fixture on a desk. Use some mounting putty and plop those babies on the desk. Little Talks-a-lot not mashing […]

Building up with Bossy R {Activity Ideas & a Freebie!}

Ideas for Teaching Bossy R

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to discuss good old Bossy R and how to build up from phonemic awareness to higher order thinking. Of course, it will incorporate some activities and include a freebie. I like to set foundations and build up when it comes to mastering phonics skills. I have these levels I like […]