Building up with Bossy R {Activity Ideas & a Freebie!}

Ideas for Teaching Bossy R

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to discuss good old Bossy R and how to build up from phonemic awareness to higher order thinking. Of course, it will incorporate some activities and include a freebie. I like to set foundations and build up when it comes to mastering phonics skills. I have these levels I like […]

An Organized School Year

As I am wrapping up the school year, I’ve come to the realization that one thing I could have done better to make my year easier is be more organized. Sure, I survived off of checklists and sticky notes, but I really slacked this year with organization. BAD. I depended on my dear friend memory […]

Getting Started with Using Google Apps in the Classroom: A Round Up of Links

 Hi everyone! I have set-up this blogpost to be a source for those who want to use Google™apps within their walls, but don’t know where to look to get started. Now I really recommend you get with your tech department to set it up, but I have provided some links to some helpful tutorials below […]

Teaching Ideas for Place Value & Two Freebies

Hi everyone! I want to share some tips about learning place value. Having a deep root in understanding place value plays such an important role in grasping math. This post is geared for teaching place value in first grade, but I put in some ideas for 3-4 digit number too. That way, second and third […]

Prefix Thanksgiving Turkey Craft Freebie

Hi everyone! Tis’ the season to be thankful. One thing I am incredibly grateful for is the ability to share my talents with so many educators from all over. I am sharing this Thanksgiving Turkey turkey craft as a way to say thank you to everyone! I hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving full […]

Improving Math Facts Fluency

Activities and ideas for mastering math facts fluency with addition and subtraction facts.

Fluency with math facts is an important skill. No doubt. Yes, students should have lots of opportunities to gain firm understanding of the thinking behind these simple math equations. Don’t stash those counters just yet! However, those fifth and sixth-grade teachers impart some wisdom to us. They know first hand that having a student count […]