How to Use Google Classroom on an iPad or Tablet in K-2

Image of girl using an iPad to illustrate using Google Classroom on it

Hi everyone! I wanted to share how to use Google Classroom on an iPad or tablet in K-2. First off, it can seem a bit overwhelming at first to consider even how to set this up on an iPad. At least, it did for me. My mind was boggled. I admit it. I was confused. I […]

Strategy Share: Teaching Strategies to use During Guided Reading & Freebies

Find some teaching strategies to use during guided reading in this strategy share post.

Hi everyone! What are some practical strategies you can use during guided reading to help streamline your lessons and keep students moving forward? Today, I want to share some practical teaching strategies with you that answer that question.  I also have included a few freebies, so you can apply these strategies right away. Strategy #1 […]