Teacher Hacks & Organization Inspiration

Hi everyone! I wanted to share some organizing inspiration and teacher hacks! Teacher Hack and Idea #1 Contrary to what the clear tape people told you, student name plates do not need to be a permanent fixture on a desk. Use some mounting putty and plop those babies on the desk. Little Talks-a-lot not mashing […]
Building up with Bossy R {Activity Ideas & a Freebie!}

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to discuss good old Bossy R and how to build up from phonemic awareness to higher order thinking. Of course, it will incorporate some activities and include a freebie. I like to set foundations and build up when it comes to mastering phonics skills. I have these levels I like […]
Those Diphthongs

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to discuss those diphthongs and how to build up from phonemic awareness to higher order thinking. Of course, it will incorporate some inspiring ideas. 😉 If you have read the sister post on my r-controlled vowels here, you would have heard my spill about how I like to set foundations […]
An Organized School Year

As I am wrapping up the school year, I’ve come to the realization that one thing I could have done better to make my year easier is be more organized. Sure, I survived off of checklists and sticky notes, but I really slacked this year with organization. BAD. I depended on my dear friend memory […]