Getting Googly Eyed with Multiplication and a Freebie

I’m always looking for ways to make things hands-on and fun. For this Learning with Your Craft Stash post, I was challenged with an anything goes for this blogpost. I actually found this challenge the hardest because I had a hard time deciding what craft material I wanted to use. Then I saw my bag of […]

Learning Sight Words with Scrapbook Paper

Hi everyone! I have been doing some learning with our craft stash posts recently. Today, the craft item is scrapbook paper. Now, I don’t know about you, but I have a big crate full of this stuff. I also think children love using it because the prints can be so colorful and fun. Combine some fun, […]

Oa, Oe, Ow, Oa, Oe The Vowel Teams

Let’s talk about vowel teams today, but before we do sing the title of this post to the tune of a famous boy band song from quite a few decades ago. I won’t say which one, but it you get if right, you got the right stuff, haha! You know how we all see these […]

Learning with Straws from Your Craft Stash & a Freebie!

Hi everyone! I am linking up with other bloggers to share learning ideas that can be done with your craft stash. Now, this will be a 21-day event covering many different craft materials you might have stashed at your home. I will not be blogging for each of the 21 days, but I am signed-up […]